Educating decision makers, engaging the public, and facilitating solutions that protect our right to privacy.

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Cost of Admission: Your Right to Privacy at the Border and at Ports of Entry

What does it cost to enter the United States? For American citizens and immigrants alike, people are increasingly being asked to leave their right to privacy at home. From biometric scanning to detention, your rights function differently at borders and airports -- and that can change even more based on your race and nationality.
The Fourth Amendment Advisory Committee and the Niskanen Center hosted an expert panel discussion exploring the privacy costs of entering the United States. Representatives Farenthold and Polis also made remarks during the event.

  • Kristie De Peña, counsel, Niskanen Center,
  • Joshua Dratel, founder and president, Law Offices of Joshua L. Dratel, P.C.,
  • Laura Moy, moderator, deputy director of the Center on Privacy & Technology, Georgetown University Law Center,
  • Jumana Musa, senior privacy and national security counsel, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and
  • Paromita Shah, associate director of the National Immigration Project, National Lawyers Guild.

With remarks from Representatives Farenthold and Polis

WHEN: Wednesday, May 3rd at 2:30 p.m.
WHERE: Rayburn HOB Room 2226

Sean Vitka